Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2013

about long holiday-

Hi posting lagih nih kayanya xx
soalnya bosen gatau ngapain
liburannya panjang bingittttt lagi
bayangin coba, stelah ambil rapot libur 3minggu + libur puasa 1bln, OMG!
tapi aku puas banged nged nged
pengen sih masuk keskolah
tapi ntar disambut sama tugas, ah belum siap akuu LOL xx

tapi liburan tahun ini aku ngerasa sering ngabisin waktu
dengan instagram, youtube, blog, twitter, bbm.
apayah tapi aku nyaman aja didunia browsing
I hv many friends haha

and then, asik aja liat org ngetweet galau
kadang sok ngikut nge-tweet galau 
dan yang ngerespon pasti "ciyee galau"
aih padahal just tweeting, aslinya enjoy life aja xx

ngomongin soal youtube btw,
aku ngabisin tiap detiknya untuk nonton berulang-ulang "malam minggu miko"
ituloh, yg penulisnya kedjeh ituuhhh... iya Raditya dika haha

kalo dibahas soal instagram, lagi seneng2nya nengok foto ttg desain-nya april jasmine n indah nada puspita
then style-nya shella alaztha, karna mereka suka makek warna soft pastel gitu.. me likeyy hoho

emmmm, pusing ya liat barisnya tengah satu kiri satu, lagi suka kegini soalnya xx
owkeyyy, kayanya posting kali ini gamakek pic yauuu
coz, I just tells my long vacation- byee~

Senin, 29 Juli 2013

My fav class-

Hi, how r u?
udah lama ga ngepost di blog inih, Imy!
Ohya, today I'll share da beautiful moment in this class, right! sepuluh satu-

first, when I meet them in da morning- see!

huhu, I miss this moment-
kata mereka kelas kami kompak, gokil n seru.
I think it's true haha-

below, when I met them at noon, afternoon, and evening.

nah ini kayanya da last moment deh,
karna ini salah satu tour kami ke tapak tuan .
 that time, we wear da same color shirt.
da boys wears white n  da girls wears pink shirt-

sebenarnya kami "kompak" begini ga disengaja.
kurang lebih nya kami it tergabung dan menjadi sempurna-
kurang ingat sejak kapan kami memulai moment ini
yang pasti, we maked an awesome moment.

dan 12 agustus 2013 kami akan meninggalkan kelas "ungu-ijo"
that's sepuluh satu-
 but I hope u keep remember da beautiful moment-

bye eka,ayu,salmah,dea,puji,feni,siska,rina,oka,leni,
da short story by me .
pendek yah tapi full da meaning :"
oke c u. be more awesome- bye~

Senin, 25 Februari 2013

sepuluh satu

hay hello.
meet again with me and barbie pink lovers. xxo
Ohya, I'll get to know me for the new class at the gray-white. about 6 months I was with this class.
yuhu, hope u enjoy it.

yeahaha! when we were "GALAU" we make things that make us laugh with off. the SNAP! SNAP!

haha ! u can look "AFTER" - "BEFORE" 
very different. up to u but this just a kid :) 

video dibawah ini termasuk saat kami sedang "troubled"

hahaha LOL !!!!!!!

yups ! u can see below?
yahp! memory is included in the class X-1.
Our ceremony rehearsal and the results are satisfactory.
keep snap dong ya ;;) 

eksis bukan ? haha thats we xoxo

begitulah kami . in our brain "Only SNAP" hahaha
oke . thanks for u watched.
n c u bray! lurv!

Kamis, 03 Januari 2013

music addict

we'll talking about one of the sweet things in this earth. guess what?
absolutely... MUSIC
why I love music? 
yeah ! cause singing's a part of my life. I can show my feeling.

do u know what the music is?
let's ask the people....

 " I hate straight singing. I have to change a tune to my own way of doing it. That's all I know."- Billie Holiday

 "being a singer's a natural gift. it means i'm using to the highest degree possible the gift that God gave me to use. and i'm happy with that" - Aretha F.

that's what people said and for me.. music's my soul and I loves music more than anything. music always express my feelings. music can express love, sad, happy, broken heart, angry and many more.

music have a magical sound magical words that can hypnotize us.
one day you'll find that one song can understand you perfectly.

there's no reason to don't likes music.
music is like our life.

c u, Lota lova!

Rabu, 02 Januari 2013

heylo gals ! first post.

Hello gals ! let me introduce my self ! my name's Rifqa Fadhila Rahady . u can call me rifqa ✌.

 i'm just a teenage girl ♀ who really loves n addicted to music ♬🎼🎢 fashion πŸ’πŸ’Ž and photograph.
have a lot of dreams ✰ and loves to sing a song ❤.
 likes pastel colors also can't far from tab, PC, Pink and mirror.
 I really don't like da smell and bullying.
yeah ! this's me  πŸ’‹πŸ˜Š.